

Addresses are 1 tryte long, giving 19683T of memory. Note that just like everything else, memory addresses are signed.

Address Size Symbol Description
——— 486   Input
—-+—- 6561   3D map data
o—+—- 2916 $TILEMAP 2D map data
ooo-+—- 202   Reserved
ooooooooo 9841   User code and data


Offset Size Symbol Description
0 1 $MOUSE_X -243 - 243
1 1 $MOUSE_Y -243 - 243
2 1 $MOUSE_BTNS See below
3 483 Reserved  

The $MOUSE_BTNS tryte is made up of three trybbles:

|   |   |
|   |   +---- Right mouse button
|   |
|   +-------- Middle mouse button
+------------ Left mouse button

For each trybble, the value 0 means the button is not down, and a value of 1 means the button is down. Other values are reserved for later use.

3D map data

A contiguous array of 27x9x27 (6561T) cells. Not yet implemented.

2D map data

A contiguous array of 54x54 tiles:

Offset Size Description
0t 3t Tileset U
3t 2t Tileset V
5t 4t Unused.

2D elements are always drawn on top of 3D elements.