

Word size is 9 trits (one tryte). Instructions begin executing from address 0.


Register name 2-trit representation Purpose
r1 -o  
r2 -+  
r3 o-  
r4 oo  
r5 o+  
r6 +-  
ra +o Return address
sp ++ Stack pointer


The sp register is the stack pointer. You should allocate a block of memory for it at boot if you will be using it:

  MOV sp, $stack
	; ...


To push a register to the stack, store to sp then increment it.

STA r0, sp
ADD sp, +

To pop a register from the stack, decrement sp then load from it.

ADD sp, -
LDA r0, sp

The above patterns are so common that the assembler provides PSH and POP pseudoinstructions which expand to them:

PSH r0               ; push a single register
PSH r1, r2, r3       ; push multiple registers
  ; ...
POP r0, r1, r2, r3   ; pop registers; order should be same as PSH

If you decide to never use the stack, sp is not treated in any special way by the CPU and can be used as a general register like r0-r6.

Instruction set

x represents the first operand, which is always a register.
y represents the second operand, which may be an immediate or a register.
z represents the third operand, which is an optional word. Where z is used, y must be a register.
yz represents the third operand in addressing mode 1, or the second in other addressing modes.
(See addressing modes)

Opcode Syntax Description
-40   Reserved
-39 ADD x, yz x = x + yz
-38 ADC x, yz x = x + yz + carry (intended for double-precision arithmetic)
-37 MUL x, yz x = x * yz
-36 DIV x, yz x = x / yz (remainder is discarded).
-35 MOD x, yz x = x % yz (x = remainder of x / yz)
-34 NEG x, yz Sets x to the tritwise NOT / arithmetic negation ofyz.
-33 MIN x, yz Tritwise AND (minimum).
-32 MAX x, yz Tritwise OR (maximum).
-31 XOR x, yz Tritwise XOR (exclusive or).
-30 CON x, yz Tritwise consensus.
-29 ANY x, yz Tritwise accept-anything.
-28 SHR x, yz Arithmetic shift x right yz times. Use negative yz to shift left.
-27 SHU x, yz Arithmetic shift x up yz times. Use negative yz to shift down.
0 MOV x, yz Copies yz into x.
1 LDA x, yz Loads the tryte at address yz into x.
2 STA x, yz Stores x at address yz.
3 LDO x, y, z Loads the tryte at address y + z into x.
4 STO x, y, z Stores x at address y + z.
30 JEQ x, y, z Jumps to address z if x == y.
31 JNE x, y, z Jumps to address z if x != y.
32 JGT x, y, z Jumps to address z if x > y.
33 JLT x, y, z Jumps to address z if x < y.
34 JGE x, y, z Jumps to address z if x >= y.
35 JLE x, y, z Jumps to address z if x <= y.
36 JMP yz Jumps to address yz.
37 JAL yz Jumps to address yz, setting ra to the following instruction.

See also the assembler pseudoinstructions.

Instruction encoding

Instructions are encoded as follows:

|   ||
|   |+--- depends on addressing mode, see below
|   |
|   +---- addressing mode
+-------- opcode

Instructions using addressing modes - and o take up one tryte. Addressing mode + requires an auxillary word following it, so they take up 2T.

Addressing mode -

This is the ‘register, register’ addressing mode.

|    | |
|    | +- register 2
|    |
|    +--- register 1
+-------- opcode

Addressing mode o

This is the ‘short immediate’ addressing mode.

|    | |
|    | +- 2t immediate value (-9 to 9)
|    |
|    +--- register
+-------- opcode

Addressing mode +

This is the ‘word immediate’ addressing mode.

|    | |  |
|    | |  +-------- 1T immediate value (-9841 to 9841)
|    | |
|    | +----------- register 2
|    |
|    +------------- register 1
+------------------ opcode